get published

Moa Press and Little Moa are currently closed for manuscript submissions. We are always open for illustration submissions. Click the drop down menu to find out more.

Fiction and Non-Fiction Submissions

Moa Press is currently closed for submissions. Keep an eye on our social media for when we will open again.

Children's Submissions

Little Moa is currently closed for submissions. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for when we will be re-opening.

There are a number of organisations that help writers improve their writing skills, assess their work and provide professional development opportunities. The New Zealand Society of Authors is a good place to start.

Illustration Submissions

We are always interested in hearing from new illustrators who are based in New Zealand. We run the Margaret Mahy Illustration Prize annually, otherwise if you would like to submit your illustration portfolio, please send a link to your website or a PDF of up to 10MB to:

Please note that we will only contact you should we have a suitable project for you at some time in the future.


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